Original image from Leiden campuspaper Mare jan 2003 copied to newspaper Trouw" used darkend without any credit nor reference to artist or source by "Economist" 2007 to fit the blackening title "Dark Secrets".
NEWSWEEK MEDIA LEAD SHEET/February 26, 2007 Issue (On Newsstands Monday, February 19)
ISLAM: "Only One Side of the Story" (p. 38). General Editor Lorraine Ali reviews Somali-born feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali's memoir "Infidel." Hirsi Ali, a 38-year-old Dutch citizen, is one of Europe's most infamous critics of Islam. She rode a wave of anti-immigrant sentiment all the way into the Dutch Parliament, where she gained a seat. But the memoir is as much about her political agenda as it is her life, and in between tales of her youth she wedges harsh and uncompromising declarations. "If her coming-of-age story ... were allowed to breathe on its own, 'Infidel' would prove an eye-opening look into the plight of African Muslim women. But throughout the book, you can't help but feel manipulated, rather than moved," Lorraine Ali writes.
Der britische ECONOMIST versucht in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe, Ayaan Hirsi Ali - bildlich gesprochen - mit Dreck zu bewerfen. Schon das schwarzdunkle Foto der dunkelhäutigen Ayaan zusammen mit der Überschrift "Dunkle Geheimnisse" spricht Bände und ist im Grunde eine Frechheit. Im Artikel wird behauptet, Hirsi Alis eigenes Leben widerspreche ihrer These, daß der Islam an der Misere der muslimischen Welt schuld sei.
Photo: KKK midgets preforming after appearance in the Jerry Springer show.
First of all it starts with a dark photo of the kushite woman with those "secrets". Then it calls her changing roles chameleon like and proves she must be evil, how else could someone from not speaking any Dutch at arrival be in a decade in parliament if not the devil speaking from her mouth.
How if not manipulating sentiment and surfing on anti immigrant waves could this be?
Invisable in the dark, lurking in the undergroove poking the underbelly sentiments of anti immigrantism following the mediahyped wave after the "murder in Amsterdam" she would have plotted if not orkestrated her free ride into a lawseat.
The true nature of her cloaking means are however unveiled in alledged uproaring lies for asylum proving her chameleon snakelike nature. Granted within weeks because somali live in Ethiopia, Puntland, Somaila and Kenia in the Horn of Africa and the civel warlords clanwar still going on so Mme Ayaan fitted well to fill the refuges quota statictics for the Netherlands.
Also: Le Figaro May 14 2005: “In 1990 she and her sister were sent back to Somalia, to reconnect with their roots […] in November 1990 Ayaan was called back to her family in Nairobi, because civil war was raging in Somalia.”
The Economist artikel opens with;
SAY what you will about Ayaan Hirsi Ali, she fascinates. The Dutch-Somali politician, who has lived under armed guard ever since a fatwa was issued against her in 2004, is a chameleon of a woman. Just 11 years after she arrived in the Netherlands from Africa, she rode into parliament on a wave of anti-immigrant sentiment, only to leave again last year, this time for America, after an uproar over lies she had told to obtain asylum.Then it goes on, more social roles are not exeptable for women with "her talent for reinvention" even reflecting thus "proving" in the titles for her memoir per language. As if the publisher or editors have no say in coverdesign and best name for the book. Infidel in Dutch would be ongelovige or unbieliever so "Mijn Vrijheid" makes more sense. And want about "ma vie rebblie" ? Islam is also introduced as a way to make critic´s so famous they are the most famous, of the whole world even ( where else? )
Even the title of her new autobiography reflects her talent for reinvention. In the Netherlands, where Ms Hirsi Ali got her start campaigning against the oppression of Muslim women, the book has been published under the title “My Freedom”. But in Britain and in America, where she now has a fellowship at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, it is called “Infidel”. In it, she recounts how she and her family made the cultural odyssey from nomadic to urban life in Africa and how she eventually made the jump to Europe and international celebrity as the world's most famous critic of Islam.She wrote a artikel in newspaper Trouw "Gun ons een Voltaire", allow us a V. and now she has aspirations to be THE Muslim Voltaire?. As if she has the funds or protectors as Voltaire did. Besides V. dictated in Frence in his pyjamas from his bed. Ayaan said at a recent AEI book presentation "I told the book". After writing the first chaper she spoke it on cassette tapes that where typed over by a woman and read/wrote on transcripts what to use for the book. Now some say she used a ghostwriter...
To prove not fitting tendencies all sort of personal details are mentioned to conclude Hirsi is just exploiting, "the West's tendency to seek simplistic explanations is a weakness that Ms Hirsi Ali also shows she has been happy to exploit." as if her memoir is not a description has already been copied to Wikipedia´s the Infidel: the story of my Enlightement The whole article is aimed at by discrediting the messager denying the message.
Read as a modern coming-of-age story set in Africa, the book has a certain charm. Read as a key to the thinking of a woman who aspires to be the Muslim Voltaire, it is more problematic. The facts as Ms Hirsi Ali tells them here do not fit well either with some of the stories she has told in the past or with her tendency in her political writing to ascribe most of the troubles of the Muslim world to Islam.Rest gives no arguments. It is only personal things designed to undermine, it´s pussyfooting around to deliver the sting at it´s end conclusion.
She grew up sometimes without her father with her fundamentalistic mother;
Ms Hirsi Ali's father, Hirsi Magan Isse, was one of the first Somalis to study overseas in Italy and America. He met his future wife, Asha, when she signed up for a literacy class he taught during Somalia's springtime of independence in the 1960s. The family's troubles began in 1969, the year Ms Hirsi Ali was born. That was also the year that Mohammed Siad Barre, a Somali army commander, seized power in a military coup. Hirsi Magan was descended from the traditional rulers of the Darod, Somalia's second biggest clan. Siad Barre, who hailed from a lesser Darod family, feared and resented Ms Hirsi Ali's father's family, she says. In 1972, Siad Barre had Hirsi Magan put in prison from which he escaped three years later and fled the country. Not until 1978 was the family reunited with him.They raised a bunch of high school drop outs;
As a young woman, Ms Hirsi Ali's mother, Asha, does not seem to have inhabited “the virgin's cage” that the author claims imprisons Muslim women around the world. At the age of 15, she travelled by herself to Aden where she got a job cleaning house for a British woman. Despite her adventurous spirit, in Yemen and later in the Gulf she found herself drawn to the stern Wahhabi version of Islam that would later clash with the more relaxed interpretation of Islam favoured by Ms Hirsi Ali's father and many other Somalis. She and Hirsi Magan fell out not long after the family moved to Kenya in 1980. Hirsi Magan left to join a group of Somali opposition politicians in exile in Ethiopia and did not return to his family for ten years.
Ms Hirsi Ali says her mother had no idea how to raise her children in a foreign city. She frequently beat Ayaan and her sister, Haweya. Although they and their brother, Mahad, attended some of Nairobi's best schools, Haweya and Mahad dropped out early on. Ms Hirsi Ali herself meanwhile fell under the sway of the Muslim Brotherhood.Even in veil she was contemplating flirtations with a boy drawn from devilish Engish novels and
admits to schitzofrenic tendencies in her multi-level brain.
Some of the best passages in the book concern this part of her life. As a teenager, Ms Hirsi Ali chose to wear the all-encompassing black Arab veil, which was unusual in cosmopolitan Nairobi. “Weirdly, it made me feel like an individual. It sent out a message of superiority,” she writes. Even as she wore it, Ms Hirsi Ali was drawn in other directions. She read English novels and flirted with a boy. Young immigrants of any religion growing up with traditional parents in a modern society will recognise her confusion: “I was living on several levels in my brain. There was kissing Kennedy; there was clan honour; and there was Sister Aziza and God.”Perhaps her father wanted her out of Africa because of the uncivilized clan wars since 1990.
Easy choice between runaway bride and legal rape by marriage. But the rights of free born women in the West do not apply to women bodies from Afican soil born to Islam. Feminists in the West have become desperate housewifes now who do not care. Also ones a liar always a liar.
Ms Hirsi Ali sounds less frank when she tells the convoluted story of how and why she came to seek asylum at the age of 22 in the Netherlands. She has admitted in the past to changing her name and her age, and to concocting a story for the Dutch authorities about running away from Somalia's civil war. (In fact she left from Kenya, where she had had refugee status for ten years.) She has since justified those lies by saying that she feared another kind of persecution: the vengeance of her clan after she ran away from an arranged marriage.The usefull idiots at the luny left multiculturefanatics running the State TV VARA Zembla made a weird documentary "the Holy Ayaan" full with accusations. The journalists were supprised to find the house the Hirsi´s lived in Nairobi had running water and Ayaans and her sister´s shared room big enough to store a complete household with childern.(filmed)
VOICE-OVER ZEMBLA: “It’s a luxury neighbourhood!” Reporter is driving in one of
the neighbourhoods of Nairobi where Ayaan lived, the implication clearly being that
Ayaan claims to have been brought up in poverty. This observation made it to the BBC!
However, last May a Dutch television documentary suggested that while Ms Hirsi Ali did run away from a marriage, her life was in no danger. The subsequent uproar nearly cost Ms Hirsi Ali her Dutch citizenship, which may be the reason why she is careful here to re-state how much she feared her family when she first arrived in the Netherlands. But the facts as she tells them about the many chances she passed up to get out of the marriage—how her father and his clan disapproved of violence against women; how relatives already in the Netherlands helped her to gain asylum; and how her ex-husband peaceably agreed to a divorce—hardly seem to bear her out.Then about all those fortune seekers and wildflower golddiggers.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is not the first person to use false pretences to try to find a better life in the West, nor will she be the last. But the muddy account given in this book of her so-called forced marriage becomes more troubling when one considers that Ms Hirsi Ali has built a career out of portraying herself as the lifelong victim of fanatical Muslims.And the effects of modern civilisation on talented young girls.
Another, even more disturbing story concerns her sister Haweya's sojourn in the Netherlands. In her earlier book, “The Caged Virgin”, which came out last year, Ms Hirsi Ali wrote that her sister came to the Netherlands to avoid being “married off”. In “Infidel”, however, she says Haweya came to recover from an illicit affair with a married man that ended in abortion. Ms Hirsi Ali helped Haweya make up another fabricated story that gained her refugee status, but the Netherlands offered her little respite. After another affair and a further abortion, Haweya was put into a psychiatric hospital. Back in Nairobi, she died from a miscarriage brought on by an episode of religious frenzy. “It was the worst news of my life,” Ms Hirsi Ali writes.The human aspects of live events and handling them per culture are ignored.
Mental illness, abortion, failed marriages, illicit affairs and differing interpretations of religion: much as she tries, the kind of problems that Ms Hirsi Ali describes in “Infidel” are all too human to be blamed entirely on Islam. Her book shows that her life, like those of other Muslims, is more complex than many people in the West may have realised. But the West's tendency to seek simplistic explanations is a weakness that Ms Hirsi Ali also shows she has been happy to exploit.Nachschrift von kwewil @ myblog.de, rest obere tekst.
Ihr Leben beweise, daß man im Islam auch als Frau Freiheiten habe. Dies ist insofern unseriös, als Hirsi Ali die meiste Zeit ihres erwachsenen Lebens in nicht-muslimischen Ländern zugebracht hat und ihre Biographie somit nicht als Gegenargument taugen kann.
Der ECONOMIST schämt sich des weiteren nicht, Abtreibungen von Ayaans Schwester als Argument für den freiheitlichen Charakter des Islams anzuführen. Auch das Leben ihrer Mutter wird auf "Freiheiten" untersucht. Und als weiterer Top-Beweis für Ayaans "Schummeleien" wird der holländische Sensations-Fernsehsender angeführt, der im Sommer Hirsi Alis Asyllüge aufdecken wollte, dabei hatte sie alles schon erwiesenermaßen Monate zuvor selbst öffentlich gemacht!
Der Bericht des ECONOMIST bestätigt ein weiteres Mal die islamfreundliche Haltung des Blattes - Israel soll beispielsweise Achmadinedschads Atombombenbau testhalber hinnehmen, es werde nichts passieren usw. usf. Ich habe jetzt jedenfalls genug und bestelle das Abo ab, muß nur noch herausfinden, wie das online geht!