Thursday, July 19, 2007

Is it part of your application process

mediaprince Lewis the IV th during some quality time @ $2500 per aired minute CBC with Miss Hirsi Ali about "her latest incarnation" at the presumed neocon thinktank AEI for public policy;
Is there a school where they teach you these American clichés? Is it part of your application process that you have to… I'm sorry… I'm so upset that I'm losing my guards here. I can't believe you just said that.
Private kindergarten educated Avi is run off the 4 th generation of Uber-class socialists clique and is state employed at the taxpayer-financed Canadian TV.

At Moonbattery Ayaan Hirsi Ali Steps on bug it reads "so upset that I'm losing my cards here". This could be guards. Not cards. The frence "en garde" better fits.

They did some recounting of the votes but Lewis said
Tell that to the people who believe there have been a couple of stolen elections. That the democracy is completely broken.
After Hirsi's
It's the best democracy in the world. It's the best place to be.
Avi Lewis uttered the allready stated above;
Is there a school where they teach you these American clichés? Is it part of your application process that you have to… I'm sorry… I'm so upset that I'm losing my cards here. I can't believe you just said that.
And got said he has not sense of liberty by Ayaan Hirsi Ali;
I've lived in countries that had no democracy, that had no Founding Fathers […] so I don't find myself in the same luxury as you. You grew up in freedom, and you can spit on freedom, because you don't know what it is not to have freedom.
With iframe from canadiancoalition A midget interviews a giant:Avi Lewis' infantile attack on Hirsi Ali in case CBC actually has any shame, rare among those who live off the taxpayer, and removes this archetypical CBC interview from their website, captured .

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