Friday, February 22, 2008

Wikipedia defies 180K demands to remove images of the Prophet

C'est ne pas un Prophet;

C'est le nouveux Prince de France, le Roi de Eurabia!
et tout les Eurabians et Eurabinennes ...
et son beebee-tsunami euromusulmania

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, is refusing to remove medieval artistic depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, despite being flooded with complaints from Muslims demanding the images be deleted.

More than 180,000 worldwide have joined an online protest claiming the images ...

Project Gutenberg: EBook of Mohammedanism, by C. Snouck Hurgronje

Voltaire did not write his tragedy _Mahomet ou le fanatisme_ as a historical study; he was aware that his fiction was in many respects at variance with history. In writing his work he was, as he himself expresses it, inspired by

"l'amour du genre humain et l'horreur du fanatisme."

He wanted to put before the public an armed Tartufe and thought he might lay the part upon Mohammed, for, says he, "is not the man, who makes war against his own country and dares to do it in the name of God, capable of any ill?" The dislike that Voltaire had conceived for the Qorân from a superficial acquaintance with it,

"ce livre inintelligible qui fait frémir le sens commun à chaque page,"

probably increased his unfavourable opinion, but the principal motive of his choice of a representative must have been that the general public still regarded Mohammed as the incarnation of fanaticism and priestcraft.


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